Here's a basic working example why you might want to use the UV pass inside of Blender The UV Pass in Blender Cycles is a render pass that outputs the UV coordinates of a surface as color data. This pass allows you to map or remap textures in the compositing stage without re-rendering your scene. It’s particularly useful for tasks like adding decals, tweaking textures, or applying post-production effects directly in the compositor. By accessing the UV Pass, you gain greater flexibility in fine-tuning your renders after the initial render is complete.
Here's a basic working example why you might want to use the UV pass inside of Blender The UV Pass in Blender Cycles is a render pass that outputs the UV coordinates of a surface as color data. This pass allows you to map or remap textures in the compositing stage without re-rendering your scene. It’s particularly useful for tasks like adding decals, tweaking textures, or applying post-production effects directly in the compositor. By accessing the UV Pass, you gain greater flexibility in fine-tuning your renders after the initial render is complete.