#3dart #blendertutorial #gamedev This series of videos will give you quick exercises you can do to get good at blender. They're designed as challenges so you see the model and then try and make it yourself. They either get increasingly difficult or introduce a new skill each video. This way you learn and practice your skills. This particular video looks at how we can make low poly stylized objects like this tankard. Playlist of these exercises - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3ukorJv4vuchEeJ3a6tIAVlWZZ_5fi0 Find out more here: https://ift.tt/IfK7l0L Sign up to be kept informed of the next program or events here: https://ift.tt/QU5YVCf Interested in one of my many courses: https://ift.tt/dwhJuKl My Discord: https://ift.tt/4KNhbd6 Learn the basics of Blender 4: https://youtu.be/lLqep5Q4MiI recommended graphics tablet: I use a graphics tablet to paint with and my recommendations are written below: Ultimate Buyers guide - https://youtu.be/IfC6mTMiaDA Display Tablet my choices:_ Display Tablet XP Pen 16 - 22 or Huion UK - https://amzn.to/4bIrFhw US - https://amzn.to/3V7D7vZ Graphics Tablet Wacom one UK - https://amzn.to/39drH1C US - https://amzn.to/3jrGGd2
#3dart #blendertutorial #gamedev This series of videos will give you quick exercises you can do to get good at blender. They're designed as challenges so you see the model and then try and make it yourself. They either get increasingly difficult or introduce a new skill each video. This way you learn and practice your skills. This particular video looks at how we can make low poly stylized objects like this tankard. Playlist of these exercises - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3ukorJv4vuchEeJ3a6tIAVlWZZ_5fi0 Find out more here: https://ift.tt/IfK7l0L Sign up to be kept informed of the next program or events here: https://ift.tt/QU5YVCf Interested in one of my many courses: https://ift.tt/dwhJuKl My Discord: https://ift.tt/4KNhbd6 Learn the basics of Blender 4: https://youtu.be/lLqep5Q4MiI recommended graphics tablet: I use a graphics tablet to paint with and my recommendations are written below: Ultimate Buyers guide - https://youtu.be/IfC6mTMiaDA Display Tablet my choices:_ Display Tablet XP Pen 16 - 22 or Huion UK - https://amzn.to/4bIrFhw US - https://amzn.to/3V7D7vZ Graphics Tablet Wacom one UK - https://amzn.to/39drH1C US - https://amzn.to/3jrGGd2